Welcome to the future board of governance for Promethio. As a company that is dedicated to disrupting the current standards of the blockchain industry and providing powerful, anonymous tools to businesses, governments, and individuals, we believe it is crucial to have a board of governance that represents a wide range of expertise and perspectives.

The members of our future board of governance will be selected based on their expertise and experience in fields such as law, technology, ethics, and more. They will be responsible for ensuring that Promethio operates in an ethical and responsible manner, and for providing guidance and oversight to the company as it continues to grow and evolve.

We are currently in the process of identifying and recruiting individuals who are well-suited to serve on our board of governance. We are committed to finding individuals who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, and who are dedicated to helping Promethio achieve its vision.

Once our board of governance has been established, we will provide updates on our website with information about the members and their roles and responsibilities. We are confident that with the guidance and oversight of our board, Promethio will be able to continue to grow and evolve, providing value to our users and driving innovation in the blockchain industry